Idaho public lands become ground zero for a group of duck hunters from throughout the country.
“We’re all out there for one purpose, to gun for green.”
For many the idea of chasing mallards on public land is part of who we are. It is a moment that is expected, treasured, and anticipated each year. Whether it is the mountains of Idaho or the expanse of the Midwest the same passion is found for greenheads.
Driving through that mountain pass I had never seen anything like that. Born and raised in the Midwest that’s a sight you don’t get to see.
The people from Flambeau converge on Idaho with Anthony Ferro of Fetching Feathers and some local duck hunters. Here in a ground blind they experience the same beauty for duck hunting with a new setting.
“We came out here to Idaho together to hunt public land. We wanted to get ourselves into new spots and test our mettle and we needed to be versatile.”
This film is part of the launch for the Flambeau Gunning Series decoys carved by award-winning artist Tom Christie. These new decoys seek to bring back the old gunning style for a more versatile and effective duck decoy. This is those gunning decoys in action.
Last modified: July 19, 2022